Thursday, March 7, 2013

Summer Dreams

Summer dreams

For my dreams I would love to go to Californian and watch the Lakers basketball game. I would love to meet Kobe Bryant and watch him play and see some of his moves. it would be interesting. Then I would love to go to London and go around the city and see the big Ben clock and the guards around. I would visit the queen’s house and talk to her and have good time and then go see one the best football teams in London Manchester united and see them play even meet rondo. Then I would go eat the best food in the world and watch Netflix and repeat everything again and again I hope all my dreams come true one day.



  1. I am interested in finding out how you will be able to talk to the Queen...I have seen her palace, but I have not been able to meet with her.

  2. i hope you go to California abdallahi

  3. Man there's nothing like watching Netflix and eating the best food :) I really hope that all your dreams come true. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I like that you added at least one detail explaining what you would do at the place you dream to visit. What do you consider to be the "best" food?

  5. wooooow ...abdilahi , I would like to visit too, and I want to go to Paris ... would you like too ..... ????????? :) :)

  6. ohhh Abdillahi ..
    I wish all your dreams come true !!
    So as mine
    I would love to visit Italy , London and Paris !!

  7. Abdillahi we both have the same feelings i love summer and i love Californian!

  8. California is a great place to visit, but you really got me interested with a talk with the queen. I love watching movies about the royals. Their lives fascinate me, but I have never dreamed big enough to actually have a talk with the queen. I like your thinking!


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